Enabling Data as a Strategic Asset for Barfoot & Thompson

Barfoot & Thompson, a leading real estate company in New Zealand, embarked on a strategic journey to modernise their data platform and enhance their data governance practices. Faced with challenges such as the long term limited capabilities of their existing data systems, the need for comprehensive data governance, and a shortage of in-house expertise, they partnered with Data Domain for a transformative solution.

Data Domain implemented a robust data strategy framework tailored to Barfoot & Thompson's unique needs. This collaboration involved a thorough assessment of current data capabilities, identification of gaps, and recommendations for best-in-class technologies. The consultative approach ensured that the solutions aligned with the team's capabilities and budgetary constraints, fostering a trusted partnership.

As a result, Barfoot & Thompson now has a clear roadmap to implement a modern data platform with actionable steps to meet their long-term business and analytics goals. The framework provided by Data Domain has enabled them to drive their data strategy by business needs, ensuring sustained growth.

Download the full case study to discover how Data Domain helped Barfoot & Thompson navigate their data strategy and data capabilities to achieve long term business objectives.

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